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Fall Grass Overseeding Approach

A good practice to healthier summer grass is to not overseed every fall, but to allow a year for the summer, Bermuda grass to remain dormant in the winter and by March it will come in thicker and sooner. The winter Rye grass depletes the soil of nutrients, making it harder for the summer Bermuda to regenerate. 

The lawn areas will stay greener longer in the year and in late November or December will be cut very low and let it come back in the Spring sooner. 

Thus, the turf areas will be brown this year, and in the Spring, start coming in greener and healthier than previous years.

In the Spring, the Bermuda will not be mowed immediately, but will sprout with seedlings which naturally reseeds spreading throughout and producing a thicker and healthier lawn in the parks and common areas. 

See Waterwise article for a full list of benefits:

With this said, homeowners will be allowed to do the same and not be required to overseed this year benefiting from a healthier lawn and save on their water bill.

Grass Area Reduction

We will also selectively begin to convert several strategic grass areas to rock.  These are areas where the Bermuda struggles (under trees) and steep ditches (water run off).   As you may have seen in the news, the impact of AZ water reductions will only drive up the cost of water over the coming years - some cities have already taken a “Drought One” action.

Thank you for your understanding. 

The Artemina Board of Directors