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This year the Board of Directors has decided not to over seed for 2023, seed this year Has increased again and with Arizona having to give up it’s right to the Colorado River the Board of Directors has decided after consulting with the Landscaper and the Town of Gilbert, it would be healthier for the Bermuda and save water. They do realize they didn’t do it last year but decided not to spend $18,234.00 to overseed to let the Bermuda go dormant and by March it will begin to come in thicker and soon like we had it this year. The Board felt they could do more granite replacement and plant replacement with that money.

This will mean the lawn areas will stay greener a little longer in the year and in late November or December they will cut it very low and let it come back in the Spring sooner. What this means is, the turf areas will be brown this year, and in the Spring, it will start coming in greener and healthier than previous years.

In the Spring, the Bermuda will not be mowed immediately, they will let the sprouts which will naturally have seedlings on them mature then cut it with all the seedlings naturally re-seeding itself into the ground and spread throughout the lawn. They will come in and mow, which will spread all the seedlings throughout the lawn, this will help produce a thicker and healthier lawn in the parks and common areas.

With this said, homeowners will be allowed to make their own choice if they want to over-seed this year. So homeowners will benefit from a healthier lawn and save on their water bill as well.

Thank you.

The Artemina Board of Directors

Please see attached document: Top Ten Reasons Why Not to Over Seed